Thursday, December 27, 2012

Am I a prostitute?

No I know that many of you reading this post know that you are NOT a prostitute.

But ask yourself, “What part of me have I given away in exchange for money?”

When I looked up prostitution, several definitions stood out at me. One source defines prostitution as the practice or occupation of engaging in sex with someone for payment.

But the definition that jumped out at me was one who sells one's abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose. Could it be that we're prostituting what God gave us for His glory and we are abusing it?

Well for my church folks, I may be confused because you're waiting for your spouse; you do not fornicate and everyone in the church knows your name and the walls come down when you sing. Sure. But God gave you a gift but you've placed a price tag on it and you won’t help anyone unless your wants are met!

I woke up this morning with this on my heart as God asked how many of His children are prostituting themselves in exchange for death and not for Him. Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit and our temples house our God-given gifts and talents.

Years ago, I made a deal with God that if He delivered me from the unbearable pain that I was enduring at the time, I would become celibate until marriage. Thankfully, we both kept our deals and I owe it all to Him. However, I still have to be discerning to other demonic spirits that want to buy me in exchange for temporary satisfaction.When I gave a man a part of me, I always left empty handed and broken. This then transferred over into my other relationships and I soon became weary.

To my single brothers and sisters, consider your ways. I don’t care how you pretty it up, if you’re in a relationship where your bills are being paid, you receive gifts in exchange for sex- you are a prostitute. Point, blank period. If someone loves you but does not find you worthy enough to marry, leave that person alone. Jesus bled and died for you and I to have a life of freedom- not a life of bondage.

So, I ask this question again? Are you a prostitute or not? If you are, repent now.Stop selling yourself & find true freedom in the arms of Jesus.