Thursday, June 28, 2012

Reality TV or reality?

Two years ago while on a summer break, my cousin asked me one night to come and watch a new show with her in the living room.So ten minutes into the show,I noticed that my spirit began grieving at the consistent use of curse words. I thought to myself, "well I don't curse so this show is NOT going to affect me." I was completely wrong.

The actresses in this show were famous through past relationships and their financial statuses in their community. It's called Reality TV. Time went on every Sunday and I eventually became a fan of this show.I found myself getting upset when I could not watch it. Now after a few episodes something in me asked "what is this doing for you?" I blatantly ignored the voice and carried on entertaining myself as if damage was not occurring.

The idea of being a born-again christian,sitting down watching unmarried people prostitute themselves for money, fame & still call themselves classy is suppose to be convicting enough,for me to turn the "tube" off. Needless to say, I cannot keep ignoring "the voice" which is the Holy Spirit and destroy what God has been repairing all these years- Me. It was exciting getting on social networks ranting & gossiping about the various shows every week. I even began using similar languages expressed in the shows, all for FUN. As the shows progressed, people started realizing that the entertainment was foolishness.

However, as I draw near to God, I have to put away childish behavior.Which means if God doesn't like something according to the word, then I should not like it as well. Romans 12:2 says, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...."
In other words God is saying, you cannot allow the words & ways of unbelieving Christians to become a lifestyle for you.If God doesn't condone fornication,adultery,fighting,gossip,drunkenness, idolatry and other forms of evil, then I need to renew my mind & stop entertaining others who do.

So this week I've started cutting out the mess of what the world calls entertainment.I'm challenging myself and others to be very cautious as to what is entertaining to us and do some evaluations.I have to now replace the desire to do something that will feed me or not take away from my spirit man.I conclude with this thought someone shared with me.The word enter-tain-ment originally comes from the word "detain or hold".So the idea or substance being viewed "enters" the vessel without them knowing.This my friend is REAL-ity.

Friday, June 15, 2012

I need air

It's 78 degrees here in Nassau & the atmosphere is peaceful.I decided to go running in the afternoon because I missed the sunrise. Nonetheless,I did it.But as I began walking for about 15 mins,I started to expire very heavily. I usually warm up for at least 7 mins but only warmed up for 3 mins today. Problem #1- chose a shortcut when I shouldn't have.

So I began walking and my chest started to get tight and I turned around to see how far my house was so that I could turn back but I had walked too far to return.Problem #2-looking back.As I continued, I literally felt my oxygen level being restored.This was a sign of relief.

I was able to start running and got to the first traffic light without stopping. So I kept running and running until I felt the tightness in my chest. Now when I felt the tightness the second time, it was different because I became thirsty. I didn't have money to buy a bottle of water at the nearest  convenience store.Problem #3-looking at what I don't have.But I was not going to allow my current state to hinder me from taking my hour walk/run.

In life,we all know that there is something we are supposed to do that makes us happy but somehow along the way, our chest gets tight and we need a little bit of water.Ten minutes away from home, God told me that when I run out of air, resources and people to encourage me on this race, I need to call on Him who is the creator of ALL resources. The word of God already tells us that we will encounter struggles, but lacking the ABILITY to deal with added struggles comes from a lack of calling on our heavenly father.

I was encouraged today by the "drop of life" that was given to me. I encourage you to keep walking on your path to YOUR destined purpose in life. You will get tired.You will need to take a break.You will feel as if you're about to collapse.You will want to hit people who may try to get in your way.You will need some "water"- which should be faith.But I beg of you, do NOT give up.If you run out of "air" call on the most resourceful person of all & say to Him " I need air me."